
X-ray on site

Digital X-Ray can capture images with higher quality and less exposure of the patient to radiation, compared to analog systems. It is possible to visualize the results in a few seconds, facilitating the accuracy and visualization of the results, and allowing a quick and immediate diagnosis.

Humanized and personalized service

Humanization appears with the aim of recalling the direct contact between health professionals and patients. Odontoliuzzi values a humanized service where the professional is aware that oral health integrates the general health of its client. Health is unique, mouth and body are not dissociated. Therefore, what affects oral health impacts the body, and vice versa. Thus, the humanized dentist talks to his patient, listening to his complaints, with the aim of getting to know him in depth, in order to be able to offer the best care.

Painless anesthesia (Morpheus)

Morpheus is an easy-to-operate computerized dental anesthesia application station that allows total absence of pain through automated control of the anesthetic flow. This technology even avoids the pain at the time of the needle stick. You only anesthetize the tooth to be treated and not the soft tissues, thus avoiding three negative factors of dental anesthesia: Fear, Pain and the unpleasant feeling after anesthesia.


Aromatherapy is a natural technique that uses the aroma and particles released by different essential oils to stimulate different parts of the brain, helping to relieve symptoms of anxiety, insomnia, depression, asthma or colds, promote well-being and strengthen defenses. of the body. In our clinic we use this technique to give even more comfort and relief to our patients.

Cerec CAM/CAM System

with ceramic/porcelain works in 30 minutes

CAD (computer-aided design)/ CAM (computer-aided manufacturing) is a high technology dental system that allows the health professional to scan the patient's mouth without the use of impression material, in addition to creating the prosthesis quickly by through a milling machine. Through non-invasive and painless procedures, a system equipped with a scanner device achieves a complete reading of the patient's entire mouth. Afterwards, a computer reads everything that was captured and creates a 3D image, which is milled in a simple and fast way. This allows jobs such as crowns, restorations and veneers and dental lenses to be done in a single visit.

Conscious Sedation

The so-called conscious sedation aims to provide the patient who is afraid or anxious with a calmer and more comfortable treatment. Anyone apprehensive about treatment or afraid of the dentist or needles can be sedated. It is a simple, fast, practical and safe procedure.

on site parking

Building with rotating parking on site with total security and comfort.

own laboratory

With its own laboratory, our ceramic works (crowns, lenses and prostheses), in addition to interocclusal plates, are made using the highest 3D technology, where the patient has their mouth scanned, and in some cases it is possible to make them and place them permanently. on the same day. Our ceramic crowns they are made of porcelain-based material, having as main advantage the color, which resembles that of natural teeth and is highly resistant to wear.

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Humanized Dental Clinic
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